Cure For Removing Facial Blemishes (Facial Blemishes)

Our skin color is decided by the pigment melanin. However, due to some climatic,  dietary and hormonal conditions, the quantity of melanin could be increased in  some or all parts of the skin. This will cause that area of the skin to be hyper- pigmented. These cause the skin blemishes.

Blemishes on the skin are definitely not appreciated. These can spoil the entire  appearance of the face and can lower the self-esteem of a person. Also,  blemishes are indicative of some internal health problem in the person. Hence,  skin blemishes should not be taken lightly. 

Home Cure For Removing Facial Blemishes 

Though it seems impossible, skin blemishes can be treated with some simple  home cure, using ingredients that are readily available in the kitchen. But  often, people use the synthetic cosmetics available in the shops and harm their  skins further. Remember that a skin that has already been spoiled by cosmetics  cannot be rejuvenated by any of these home cure. In order to obtain the  maximum benefits of these home cure, you will need to keep your body quite  healthy and fit. Since the face is a part of the entire body, total physical health is  required to keep the face healthy.

The following are some of the best home cure that can keep your face free  from blemishes. 

This is a very simple cure to remove the blemishes that occur on the face.  Take seven parts of camphor extract, two parts of almond extract, one part of  sandalwood and thirty parts of rose water. First mash the sandalwood to a past  and then crush the almond to a somewhat coarse consistency. Then mix all the  ingredients together and make a paste of it. Store it in a glass bottle. Everyday,  apply one part of this paste on the face. The positive benefits of this therapy will  be much apparent. One of the useful home cure for removing facial  blemishes.

Extract the juice of the Bishop's weed seeds or the buds of the jasmine flowers.  Apply these on the face. This will remove the ungainly marks on the face and  leave it glowing.

The jamun (Indian plum, Syzygium cumini) is one of the best cure to treat all  kinds of facial problems including blackheads, pimples, marks on the face, etc.  Put some seeds of the jamun fruit in water and retain them overnight. The seeds  will soften in the water. Then in the morning, mash the seeds in the water so that  their extracts are exuded into the water. Apply this paste on the face several times  in a day. Let the paste dry up on the face. When dried, wash the face with water.  This will ensure a solution to all your facial problems. This is one of the useful  facial blemishes home cure.

Facial blemishes cure

This is a slightly long, but a sure cure to take care of  facial marks, and it works on any kind of blemishes. Take 40 grams of the extract  of almond, 15 grams of the extract of soap nut, five parts of rice and six parts of  myrrh. Mix all these ingredients and apply on the face. Use massaging actions to  work the paste deeper on the facial skin. Let this paste remain on the skin for  some time. Then take a thick cloth soaked in warm water and wash the face with  it. Doing this for one complete month will remove all the ugly marks from the  face.

Take some masoor daal (red lentils), chiraunji (Buchanania latifolia) and yellow  mustard in equal amounts. Make a very fine mixture of all the three. Every night  before going to sleep, wash your face with warm water. Then wipe the face  completely dry with a thick towel. After that, apply the above-prepared paste on  the face. Wash off the dried paste in the morning. This is one of the useful  home cure for removing facial blemishes.

Facial blemishes prescript

Put some masoor daal (red lentils) in ghee and  roast it thoroughly. Then make a very nice mixture of the whole thing. Put this  mixture into milk and make a paste of it. Then apply this paste on the face with  massaging actions. Then wash the face off. This is a very beneficial cure.  Using this on a daily basis will remove all blemishes from the face.

Pockmarks on the face can be easily removed by employing this cure. You will  need only the peels of an orange as the main ingredient. Dry the peels in the hot  sun till the moisture is completely gone. Then make a fine powder of the dried  peels. Put this powder in an adequate amount of rose water and lime juice mixture.  Apply this solution on the face. Use this therapy as long as oranges are in  season. This is enough to remove all the existing marks on the face, and also to  keep the skin looking more zestful and vibrant. This is one of the effective  herbal cure for facial blemishes.

The following is a very effective cure to remove all kinds of blemishes from  the face. Mix about one teaspoonful each of milk powder, honey and lemon juice  and add to it a half teaspoonful of almond oil. Apply this mixture of liquids on the  face and then wash it off after about ten to fifteen minutes. A regular use of this  treatment will keep all the skin blemishes away and give you a youthfully  glowing skin.

The humble potato has very effective benefits in removal of skin blemishes, and  even moles and warts. Make thin slices of the potato and apply it on the skin.  Cover as much area of the skin as possible. This will not be possible to do in the  daytime; so keep the potato slices on the skin overnight. Then, in the morning,  remove the potato slices and wash the face. Do this continuously for several  days. Within about seven days, you will find the blemishes lightening up. This is  one of the effective facial blemishes prescript. 

Make a paste of some two teaspoonfuls of turmeric powder in the juice of a  lemon, freshly squeezed. Apply this on the face wherever the blemishes are  present. This will help to lighten the skin. This is one of the best home cure  for removing facial blemishes.

Herbal Cure for facial blemishes

You can apply some lemon juice directly  on the face. Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent. So, keeping the lemon juice  on the face for a whole night will lighten up the skin. You will begin seeing  results within four to five days itself.

Make a nice thick paste of some oatmeal dissolved in a blend of yogurt an  tomato juice. Apply this paste on the face. Keep it for twenty minutes on the  face, and then wash it with cold water. This will remove all kinds of blemishes  that are present on the face and make the skin lighter.

Another best  herbal home cure for removing facial blemishes is to take a glassful  of water and soak in it four almonds. Keep it overnight. In the morning, the  almonds will have become softened. Then grind the almonds and make a fine  paste of the almonds with milk. Apply this paste on the face and the neck and  leave it for the whole night. Let the paste dry up on the face and work on the face  for the whole night. Then, in the morning, wash off the face with cold water.  Continue this therapy for fifteen days on a daily basis. Then carry on with two  days in a week. In a couple of months, all your complaints of the facial blemishes  will have gone.

Peel an orange and keep its peels in the hot sun to dry. Then crush these peels  into a fine powder and mix it in curds. Make a paste of it. Then apply this paste  on the face wherever you have got scars. Keep this paste on the face for about  fifteen minutes, and then wash it off in cold water. You will have to do this about  three times in a day.

Add a tablespoonful of gram flour and put two teaspoonfuls of un-pasteurized  milk in it. Then add two to three drops of lemon juice in it. Then make a paste of  these ingredients and apply it on the face. Keep this paste on the face for fifteen  minutes and then wash it off. Repeat this procedure for about four weeks. By this  time, the blemishes will all have gone. You must keep up this cure then once a  week to maintain the benefits you have obtained. This is one of the good home  cure for facial blemishes.

Make a paste of some mint leaves and apply this paste on the face. Keep this  paste on the face for about twenty minutes. After this much time, wash your face  with cold water. Continue this cure for fifteen days. This will most likely  remove the blemishes from the face. This is one of the important home cure  for removing facial blemishes.

Make a vitamin C rich mixture in the following manner. Grate a whole ripe tomato  and add about two or three drops of lime juice in it. Make a good paste of the  whole thing. Then apply this paste on the face. Keep it for about twenty minutes  and then wash it off. Continue this cure on a daily basis for about fifteen to  twenty days. This will really cure the blemishes on the face. This is a best facial  blemishes cure.

Simply take some fresh honey and apply it on the face. Honey is a sterilizing  agent, which will kill the microbes that settle on the face. At the same time, it will  prevent the hyper pigmentation that causes the skin to become darkened.  Continue the usage of honey for about a month and you will see positive results.

If you can stand it, you can apply some egg white (not the yolk) on your face before going to bed each night. In the morning, wash the face profusely with heavy sprinklings of cold water on it. Use a lime based soap to clean the face. This will make the face quite free of all blemishes. This is one of the effective facial blemishes home cure. 

Finally, you must bear in mind that skin blemishes do occur due to some fault in your body constitution. A balanced diet is necessary to maintain the overall skin hygiene. Your diet must be composed of all the nutrients in adequate amounts. Oils and fatty foods must be reduced in consumption.