Hysteria (Hysteria) Home Cures

Hysteria is a name given to several kinds of neurological conditions which create  the patients emotionally disturbed in some form or other. They can bear from  unexplained fears or phobia, loss of self control, depressions, seizures, etc.  Historically like this patients were said to be hallucinating and called witches,  samans, witch doctors etc and persecuted. But with advancement of technology  gradually hysteria has come to be accepted as a medical condition.

Symptoms and Causes of Hysteria
Hysteria generally manifests itself during adolescence or early adulthood and  some forms are more common in women. The common symptoms that can predict  the onset of a hysteric attack in a patient are Heavy breathing, Clenched teeth,  Tensing of muscles , Swelling of veins particularly in the neck region, Complain  of something being stuck in the throat, Alternating between bouts of laughter  and crying, etc. A strong attack can involve wild cries of distress or pain,  seizures and blackouts. Since such attacks are often sudden it is difficult to get  ready medical help. At that point, home cures for hysteria are of great  help.

Though the physicians are often unsure of the whys and hows of hysteria even  today, it is generally accepted that continual mental or physical force and strain  over a prolonged period, or a prolonged illness or trauma of any kind can bring  on the hysteric condition in a patient. Unstable or emotionally disturbing  upbringing in the childhood often results in hysteria in adolescents.

Prescript of Hysteria 
Herbal cures for hysteria have been found to be most useful in treating  hysteria patients. It is most advisable to ensure that such patients lead a normal  life as free from stress as possible, with regular eating, sleeping and exercising  habits. The basis of all home cure for hysteria is certain dietary inclusions  and exclusions which need to be followed for a long term to help the patients  significantly.

They can start off with a few days of all fruit diet with all three meals consisting  of fruits like apples, grapes, oranges, pineapples, papayas, grapefruits, etc.

This is to be followed by a month of all milk diet to nourish the nerves and  strengthen them.

Diet for hysteria
Continue with a balanced diet of nuts, whole grains, seeds,  fruits and vegetables. Avoid tobacco and alcohol in any form, as well as coffee, tea, refined sugar and  flour.

The following dietary supplements are excellent home cures for hysteria -

First thing in the morning mix a teaspoonful Indian gooseberry (amla) juice with a  cup of lettuce juice freshly made, and give it to the patient to drink for a month.  This is one of the effective herbal cure for hysteria. Give the patient a tablespoon full of honey everyday.

Hysteria cure -
Asafetida can be a part of the patients daily diet in small  proportions of about 0.5 to 1.0 grams.

Mix 1gm of powdered Rauwolfia root with milk twice everyday - morning and  evening  and let the patient drink that till completely cured.

The best home cure for hysteria is probably the jambul fruit. Sink 3kgs  of the jambul fruit in a jug of water, adding a handful of salt  in it. Keep this jug  in the sun for seven days. A female hysteria patient is to be given 300 gm of this  fruit on an empty stomach together with a cup of water from the prepared jug.  The water will last about a week so its advisable to start the whole jug and  water process immediately again so that the treatment can continue without a  break. For best results, it he treatment should be continued for two weeks.

Other Home Cures
Some applications are of good use as home cures for hysteria–

The vegetable bottle Gourd can be grated to get a pulpy consistency and then  applied to the patients’ head externally. This tends to relax the patient somewhat.  This is one of the good hysteria treatment.

Asafetida is of great use. The patient can be made to smell it to prevent attacks.  Otherwise 2 grams of asafetida can be dissolved with 120 ml of water to get a  useful enema.