Applying Foundation

You can even out your skin tone and make your skin look attractive through foundation .

It is generally easy to  apply foundation,  but sometimes a lot of mistakes are made during application.

Here are some simple steps, which you can follow to look great.

     Wash your face

Always begin with a clean face. Apply good facial cleanser to gently wash your face and avoid rubbing. Rinse properly to remove all the cleanser.

Make sure that your face is well shaved before you move ahead for smooth application. While shaving use a gel or moisturizing shave cream to ensure closest possible shave and avoid nicks and abrasions. Application of foundation on face with cuts or tiny skin abrasions that are left after shaving might cause itching.

Refresh skin with the help of toner and give 30 minutes time to your skin to recover before applying makeup.

In case you have 10-15 minutes, it will be better to wear a natural clay masque (of tgcosmetics) and take a relaxing bath.

Apart from drawing out impurities from clogged pores the natural clay and Kaolin minimize the pore size leading to tightening and refining of skin to allow for smooth and easy application of make up. Moreover skin gets a firmer texture with the use of mask.


An effective and successful application of makeup lies in smoothness of surface. Therefore it is advisable to shave right after a hot shower as heat and water not only hydrate the skin but also dilate the blood, opening the pores and making the hair more pliable and easier to cut.

You can get a smooth shave with the use of a swivel-head razor and or twin blades. Apply conditioning shave cream and toner as they not only make the shaving smoother but also leave the skin unharmed.

In case you are not willing to shower prior to shaving, you would better cover your face and neck with a hot and moist towel for about two minutes before shaving. Create lather for shaving during entire shaving process with the use of hot water.

Avoid scalding water. Determine the direction of the growth of your face and neck by examining your face closely prior to shaving.

Shave first in the direction that the hair grows as it cuts 80% of the hair besides avoiding razor burns, ingrown hairs and irritations. Lather once again and shave against the hair growth in order to ensure a closer shave from neck to cheeks, nose and chin.

Avoid applying too much pressure on razor as it may cause razor burns and obstructs closer shave.

After finishing shaving use cold water to rinse your face and neck and refresh skin. Application of cold water after-shave helps tighten pores. Pat your face dry without rubbing and in case of any bleeding from nicks use styptic pencil or moistened alum.

Since the thin layer of skin surface comes out in the entire shaving process it is essential to use a toner without fragrance or alcohol content like Vitamin C toner pads (which can be of tgcosmetics).

The skin tone gets a boost, proper nourishment and moisture required for growth of new cell with the use of the toner. Wait for 5 to 10 minutes to allow skin to settle down and then proceed with your next application step.

     Moisturize your face

Before you apply makeup, use a non-greasy facial moisturizer to create a thin layer of cream which keeps your skin's natural moisture in. After blotting off excess moisturizer to leave a fine layer on the skin wait for few minutes and then apply makeup.

Make sure to use the same light in which you will be  applying makeup.  Use electric light in the evening and sunlight in daytime. It will surely make a difference.

     Tips to apply foundation

Foundation soothes out the surface of your skin creating a base and allowing your makeup to adhere more evenly.

Follow the simple steps for proper application of foundation.

Choose right foundation color. If you do not choose right color, your foundation will go waste. Visit Cosmetic counter to get samples matching your specific coloring.

Apply dots of foundation on your cheeks, chin, forehead and tip of the nose with the help of a makeup sponge or the fingertips. The dots are blended together if sponge or fingertips are used. You need not necessarily apply it all over your face as you can apply in the selected areas.

Gently distribute the foundation across your face by dampening a sponge.

Notice your jaw line and hairline to see to it that foundation is well blended.

Gently press all over your face with finger tips to enhance blending process.

Go to a natural light source to see if it has been applied perfectly. Any problem areas will be visible if they were not attended.

Do not cover up freckles if they are light. Rather apply foundation to show them off. In case you have darker freckles you would better select a cream foundation to cover them and even out the tones of skin.

Correct and even out your skin tone with the help of concealer. Concealer hides all imperfections and highlights features.

Apply loose powder to set the foundation immediately after application. These are the effective  foundation tips.